Nov 202012
Google's 100,000 Stars & the Paradigmatic Disruption of Large-Scale Innovation Revisited

Google’s built a beautiful galactic simulation. Go look at it. Oh, and private companies doing stuff like this, but on grand scales – is this the future of big, bold science?

Sep 262012
On Leaving the Earth. Like, Forever. Bye-Bye.

When one of the U.S. Air Force’s top future strategy guys starts dorking out on how we’ve gotta at least begin considering what to do when a progressively decaying yet apocalyptically belligerent sun begins BBQing the earth, attention is payed.

Aug 282012
Robonaut 2: Alive and Suddenly Super Busy

NASA is finally letting Robonaut 2 do some stuff and sharing it with the public – there’s actually a steady feed of news, only mildly cheesy 1st-person commentary, and some decent R2 photos & video beaming down from the ISS.

Aug 112012
Remember NASA's other Robot? Dear Robonaut 2, What is it that YOU do?

After STS-133’s February 2011 delivery, the handsome and sleek and high-tech NASA/General Motors collaboration has kept a pretty low profile. What’s he doing up there? Also, R2’s got competition and an impending Space Torso Love Triangle!

Aug 042012
Curiosity about Curiosity, Part 2 – Approach: Only 5 Million Kilometers to Mars (3 Days!)

Curious about Curiosity? GET READY: Links to a free XBox game, mobile apps, NASA TV’s live coverage, and a serving of expository technosnark with a side of cheese!

Jul 182012
Curiosity about Curiosity, Part 1 - Primer: Only 35 Million Kilometers to Mars!

Getting a 2000lb. (907KG) nuclear-powered super-sensitive rover the size of a Mini Cooper to Mars, in one piece, and then have it go about its science and report back… well, the effort alone is monumental, and its success will be entirely profound.