Mar 192016
Bionic & Biological: The Ferocious Conundrum of Being 50/50 (FOUR-YEAR FAR FAR FLASHBACKY)

There are million different angles to discuss here, but by far the most interesting idea is a gradual, mutual, acquisitional merger – the pending-yet-not-far-off arrival of homeostasis between biological and mechanical life.

Feb 092015
Machine Morality: a Survey of Thought and a Hint of Harbinger [FLASHBACKERY]

Talking about machine morality is basically picking apart whether or not we’ll someday have to be nice to self-aware machines or demand that they be nice to us. Impossible? No, stupid. Guaranteed? No, stupid. Good idea to be prepared just in case? Damn right.

Feb 142014
All I Want for Valentine's Day is a Robot Lover with an Aggregate Mindfile of the Best Parts of all my Ex-Girlfriends. Just Like Last Year.

All I Want for Valentine’s Day is a Robot Lover with an Aggregate Mindfile of the Best Parts of all my Ex-Girlfriends. Just Like Last Year.