NASA is finally letting Robonaut 2 do some stuff, and they’re sharing it with the public – there’s actually a steady feed of news, only mildly cheesy 1st-person commentary, and some decent R2 photos & video beaming down from the ISS.
Aug 282015
August 28, 2015
Astrophysics, General Motors, Here First or Best Here, NASA, NASA JPL, NASA JSC, Robonaut, Robot, Robots in Space, Space Technology, Technology, U.S.A.
Feb 162015
Next to Team SCHAFT’s new Google overlords withdrawing them from further competition, the poor showing of NASA’s Valkyrie robot might have seemed the DRC Trials’s biggest disappointment, but it’s nowhere near that simple: NASA JSC and the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) are keeping the flame alive, and by flame we’re talking like…nuclear blow-torch.
February 16, 2015
Boston Dynamics, DARPA, DARPA Robotics Challenge, Here First or Best Here, Military Robotics, NASA, NASA JPL, NASA JSC, Robonaut, Robot, Robot Space Torso, Robots in Space, Space Technology, Technology
Feb 222013
February 22, 2013
General Motors, Human Augmentation, ISS, NASA, Robonaut, Robot, Robot Space Torso, Robots in Space, ROSCOSMOS, Space Technology, Technology, Telepresence
Jan 252013
January 25, 2013
Curiosity, General Motors, NASA, Robonaut, Robot, Robots in Space, Space Technology, Technology, U.S.A.
Aug 282012
August 28, 2012
Curiosity, Facebook, General Motors, NASA, Private Space Race, Prosthetics, Robonaut, Robots in Space, Space Technology, Technology, Technology & Work, Telepresence
Aug 112012
August 11, 2012
Astronomy, Astrophysics, Curiosity, Cybernetics, Here First or Best Here, Human Augmentation, ISS, Mars, NASA, Private Space Race, Robonaut, Robot, Robots in Space, Space Technology, Technology
Feb 282011
Strongly. Mr. Saenz makes a decent point that Robonaut is far from the first complex robot we’ve sent to space. However, referring to this accomplishment as merely “hype,” that it’s only special because of it’s shape kind of… well, misses the point. Because it, you know, is the point… [VIA SINGULARITY HUB]
February 28, 2011
Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, Human Augmentation, ISS, NASA, Robonaut, Robot, Robots in Space, Space Technology, Telepresence