Google’s built a beautiful galactic simulation. Go look at it. Oh, and private companies doing stuff like this, but on grand scales – is this the future of big, bold science?
Being fairly internet dorky, 95% of class 1’s six lessons reviewed and codified stuff I already knew, but I think the average internet citizen would get a lot out of it, and certainly from subsequent lessons. Registration is open until July 16th, don’t sleep!
In many ways, technological utopianism is the heart and soul of the United States; it has driven our hyper-speed development and rise to global prominence. But, is the US rising or declining? Technologically speaking, does America still have “it?”
Here in 2012 we still have to physically go to a location to cast a ballot for almost any election. Why is that acceptable? Do we just want the patronizing “I Voted” sticker? COME ON – WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY! (repost)
Google’s broad-spectrum tech development efforts & investment probably excede that of any other private entity. That’s great, but what’s up here? Is cutting-edge technological innovation shifting away from governmental entities? Is that good or evil?