Mar 192016
Bionic & Biological: The Ferocious Conundrum of Being 50/50 (FOUR-YEAR FAR FAR FLASHBACKY)

There are million different angles to discuss here, but by far the most interesting idea is a gradual, mutual, acquisitional merger – the pending-yet-not-far-off arrival of homeostasis between biological and mechanical life.

Dec 022015
iREX 2015: Greatest Robotics Show in the Known Universe Underway in Tokyo

2015 marks the 21st installment of Japan’s biennial iREX robotics tradeshow, which is the world’s largest – and since it’s larger than ever, it’s basically the largest robotics event in history, yo.

Sep 092015
The Recurring Parable of the AWOL Android (ITSELF NOW RECURS)

When we see the clean, cold, precise cognition of a difference machine suddenly go all batshit rogue PMS, an executive-level narcissism kicks into gear, i.e., we suddenly see We. So, let’s then consider the duality of a machine valuing sentient life, yet being totally willing to murder its ass for the “right” reasons…which should sound familiar.

Jun 182015
Robot Treasure Discovered Online:  an Interview with the Creator of

Went looking for one robot, found research on hundreds. Anthrobotic interviews the creator of, the best online robotics & cybernetics archive you’ve never heard of until just now you did. Read it!

Feb 142014
All I Want for Valentine's Day is a Robot Lover with an Aggregate Mindfile of the Best Parts of all my Ex-Girlfriends. Just Like Last Year.

All I Want for Valentine’s Day is a Robot Lover with an Aggregate Mindfile of the Best Parts of all my Ex-Girlfriends. Just Like Last Year.