Sometimes you’re on a corporate-sponsored press tour to get up-close and personal with the history of calculators and then you casually walk into the next room and BOOM! …suddenly you’re surrounded by the taxidermied carcasses of our technological ancestry.
Mar 212015
Feb 212015
This week we find out that Apple is likely to invest in Japan Display, the bastard child of Sony’s, Toshiba’s, and Hitachi’s floppy failed display businesses that, post-amputation, did a Wonder Triplets: ACTIVATE! move into profitability, and, entirely kinda unrelated, the de-displayed Hitachi has unveiled the world’s most powerful microscope and Sony’s commissioned it to look for their fiscal 2014 profit margin!
February 21, 2015
Apple, Asia, Here First or Best Here, Hitachi, Japan 日本 Tekk, Japanese Technology from the Future Friday, Japan「日本」, Mobile, Pure Science, Smartphone, Sony, Technology
Mar 092014
Jul 252013
July 25, 2013, Asia, Honda, Japan 日本 Tekk, Japanese Robots, Japan「日本」, Pure Science, Robot, Technology & Education, 日本語
Jul 122013
Jul 052013
Jun 012013