Mar 212015
TERMINAL ANANCHRONISM: Decomposing UNIVAC 120 Computer Found in Tokyo

Sometimes you’re on a corporate-sponsored press tour to get up-close and personal with the history of calculators and then you casually walk into the next room and BOOM! …suddenly you’re surrounded by the taxidermied carcasses of our technological ancestry.

Feb 212015

This week we find out that Apple is likely to invest in Japan Display, the bastard child of Sony’s, Toshiba’s, and Hitachi’s floppy failed display businesses that, post-amputation, did a Wonder Triplets: ACTIVATE! move into profitability, and, entirely kinda unrelated, the de-displayed Hitachi has unveiled the world’s most powerful microscope and Sony’s commissioned it to look for their fiscal 2014 profit margin!

Mar 092014
[REPOST] Who Will be the 21st Century Sagan? Michio Kaku vs. Neil deGrasse Tyson: FIGHT!

Kaku vs. Tyson – Who can bring the science? Who can BE the Sagan? And, do we really have to pick a team?

Jul 252013
In Memoriam, Kanako Miura (Japanese Version - 日本語のバージョン) 追悼: 人型ロボット開発の世界的パイオニア・三浦郁奈子さんがボストン市内で交通事故のため死亡


Jul 122013
Need More Japanese Women! (in science, technology, engineering, & mathematics)

Anthrobotic’s Chief Maintenance Engineer did some stand-up sociology on the issue of Japan’s big-ass population problem and how sciencey J-girls can, no – MUST help fix it.

Jul 052013
Kids Making Robots: An NPO Steps Up to Bolster Japan's Rural Robot Resurgence

Everybody knows Japan is awesome at robots, but younger generations might be missing the practical, hands-on, mechanical education that enabled their forebears to create awesome robots and automation processes. Enter Robot Summer School!

Jun 012013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday [via Akihabara News]

THIS WEEK’S DISPATCH: NHK is showing off touchable TV and ultra-res TV cameras that are just bananas, Japan’s got super-duper malaria vaccine (giveth to Africa), and Japan’s hunting rare earth in Malawi (taketh from Africa).