Jun 072016
Robots Dubstepped: iREX by iPHONE (VIDEO)

In December of 2015, hundreds of the world’s most advanced robots crowded the massive Tokyo Big Sight Convention Center for the biennial iREX International Robot Exhibition. You might be surprised how well an iPhone 6s Plus does with that.

Dec 022015
iREX 2015: Greatest Robotics Show in the Known Universe Underway in Tokyo

2015 marks the 21st installment of Japan’s biennial iREX robotics tradeshow, which is the world’s largest – and since it’s larger than ever, it’s basically the largest robotics event in history, yo.

Mar 212015
TERMINAL ANANCHRONISM: Decomposing UNIVAC 120 Computer Found in Tokyo

Sometimes you’re on a corporate-sponsored press tour to get up-close and personal with the history of calculators and then you casually walk into the next room and BOOM! …suddenly you’re surrounded by the taxidermied carcasses of our technological ancestry.

Jul 122014
Mirrored TOKYO Will Melt Your Brain (VIDEO)

Twist and turn. Reflect. Go upside down and merge it all together in a videographic collage…the result is the latest hit from YouTuber darwinfish105. Once again, he’s delivered a basically unnotwatchable love letter to the metropolis.

Feb 142014
All I Want for Valentine's Day is a Robot Lover with an Aggregate Mindfile of the Best Parts of all my Ex-Girlfriends. Just Like Last Year.

All I Want for Valentine’s Day is a Robot Lover with an Aggregate Mindfile of the Best Parts of all my Ex-Girlfriends. Just Like Last Year.