In December of 2015, hundreds of the world’s most advanced robots crowded the massive Tokyo Big Sight Convention Center for the biennial iREX International Robot Exhibition. You might be surprised how well an iPhone 6s Plus does with that.
Jun 072016
June 7, 2016
Apple, Asia, Assistive Robotics, CareBots, DigitalHub.JP, Exoskeleton, HAL Suit, Here First or Best Here, Hitachi, Human Augmentation, Industrial Robots, iPhone 6, iREX, Japan 日本 Tekk, Japanese Robots, Japan「日本」, Medical Robots, Mobile, Multimedia, Photography Technology, Robot, Robot Toys, Shameful Self-Promotion, Shameless Self-Promotion, Smartphone, Technology, Technology & Culture, Technology & Entertainment
Dec 022015
Nov 262015
November 26, 2015
Apple, DigitalHub.JP, Future Already Very Pending, iPhone 6, Multimedia, Photography Tech, Smartphone, Technology, Technology & Entertainment, Technology & Work
Nov 022015
Mar 212015
Jul 122014
Feb 142014
February 14, 2014
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Bioengineering, Bionic, Brain, Consciousness, Cybernetics, Existential Quandary Stuff, Future Already Very Pending, Here First or Best Here, Human Augmentation, Multimedia, NBI, Prosthetics, Robot, Robot Emotions, Robot Love, Technology, Technology & Culture, Technology & Politics, Technology Law