Jan 112013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday (THE RETURN!)

Today’s Dispatch: JTTF Returns! We got Japanese dudes (allegedly) keeping hold of their dumbphones for nefariousness, and more economic stimulus for Japan which will totally work long as they don’t spend it in a Japanese way (the Sony metaphor returns).

Sep 202012
Geodesic Japanorama & iPhone-Based 3D Modeling Should Totally Blow Our Minds

Sometimes the iPhone deserves the love it gets, and Microsoft Photosynth and Autodesk’s 123D Catch Apps are reasons why. Oh, and this phone-based 3D modeling thingy probably heralds China’s impending economic collapse and stuff.

Sep 132012
iPhone 5 Hyper-Anticipation: It Didn't Mean What You Think it Meant (AGAIN)

Okay, now – bear with me on this – and check it out: The reason people care so much about the next iPhone is because the American Dream is broken. I shit you not. Details inside!

Jul 062012
Top 5 for the Fifth: American Technological Prowess (Do We Still Got the Juice?)

In many ways, technological utopianism is the heart and soul of the United States; it has driven our hyper-speed development and rise to global prominence. But, is the US rising or declining? Technologically speaking, does America still have “it?”

Jul 032012
TERMINAL ANACHRONISM: The Polling Place & Voting Booth (vulnerable)

Here in 2012 we still have to physically go to a location to cast a ballot for almost any election. Why is that acceptable? Do we just want the patronizing “I Voted” sticker? COME ON – WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY! (repost)

Mar 162012
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday!

Today’s Dispatch: The Japanese Continue Building a Wooly Mammoth with Russians & Krazy Koreans, KDDI has a Ton of Cash for Your Mobile Solutions, and Siri’s Japanese is Kinda 下手くそ!

Mar 102012
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday! Wait... It's Saturday Already?

Today’s Dispatch: Laser Tsunami Mapping, Advanced Fruit Recognition Technology, and the iPhone, herald of the Smartphone concept, rules mobile sales in Japan (the why is interesting)!