Nov 112016
Japan Robot Week 2016 (GALLERY)

Japan Robot Week 2016 went very well. The 3-day event drew 30,000 humans – nearly double the 2014 attendance. Therefrom, here is a handful of superbly mediocre photos of robots and robot stuff.

Jan 172015
Robots are the New Mexicans and ActiveRobo SAM is Japan's Newest Mexican

Section A is furious anger at robotics coverage and the corpsifying institution of journalism in general. Section B is some very interesting robotics news from Japan (telepresence robotic heavy equipment operation!). Section C is the bow on the whole thing, so choose your own adventure(s)!

Jul 122013
Need More Japanese Women! (in science, technology, engineering, & mathematics)

Anthrobotic’s Chief Maintenance Engineer did some stand-up sociology on the issue of Japan’s big-ass population problem and how sciencey J-girls can, no – MUST help fix it.

Mar 222013
Robots for Japan: talk with them, move with them, live with them... All in time.

Japan’s going to be running out of people, and apparently a lot of the kids these days just don’t wanna, you know, do it. So, naturally – robots, yo.

Sep 202012
Geodesic Japanorama & iPhone-Based 3D Modeling Should Totally Blow Our Minds

Sometimes the iPhone deserves the love it gets, and Microsoft Photosynth and Autodesk’s 123D Catch Apps are reasons why. Oh, and this phone-based 3D modeling thingy probably heralds China’s impending economic collapse and stuff.