Mar 192016
Bionic & Biological: The Ferocious Conundrum of Being 50/50 (FOUR-YEAR FAR FAR FLASHBACKY)

There are million different angles to discuss here, but by far the most interesting idea is a gradual, mutual, acquisitional merger – the pending-yet-not-far-off arrival of homeostasis between biological and mechanical life.

Sep 092015
The Recurring Parable of the AWOL Android (ITSELF NOW RECURS)

When we see the clean, cold, precise cognition of a difference machine suddenly go all batshit rogue PMS, an executive-level narcissism kicks into gear, i.e., we suddenly see We. So, let’s then consider the duality of a machine valuing sentient life, yet being totally willing to murder its ass for the “right” reasons…which should sound familiar.

Nov 152012
Ray Kurzweil's "How to Create a Mind" available through

The incomparable futurist, inventor, entrepreneur, and popularizer of Singularity Theory and artificial intelligence studies has today published his latest work. This is basically required reading, and it’s available through Anthrobotic!

Feb 142012
Technological Utopianism is Way Better than Technological Apocalypticism. Robots, Robots.

Human employment is soon going to drastically & quickly change. For sure China’s in trouble, but on the whole is this good or bad? Here a young guy says we’re doomed, and an old guy says it’s all going to be cool. Weird, right?

Feb 032012
Where the Human Ends & the Machine Begins: Getting Unclearer…

What we conceptualize as our discrete Physical Self isn’t nearly as cut and dried as we might think, and the non-corporeal Mental Self seems to have some blurry boundaries as well. We’re Cyborgs, man. Philosophical Cyborgs.

Jan 262012
Technology Will Eradicate Barbarians & Drum Circles and Fix Everything

Technological utopianism might be just as foolish as vegan white people with dreadlocks or those with a super-spooky, vengeful, punishing father figure in the sky. But I kinda really seriously doubt it. (BOOK RECOMMENDATION)