All I Want for Valentine’s Day is a Robot Lover with an Aggregate Mindfile of the Best Parts of all my Ex-Girlfriends. Just Like Last Year.
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We’re Going to Make Sweet Love to Robots Pretty Soon – REVISITED!
This right here is a re-post/re-share of the seminal Anthrobotic work:
“Okay, Let’s Talk about Making Sex with Robots”
It’s Valentine’s Day, so yeah. You get it.
To quote:
“I’m not even sure how to make the first move here. Anyone covering sex and robots knows how hard it is; brevity is a challenge, and, if you’re not careful, you can definitely go too deep. The topic is relentlessly penetrated by innuendo and double entendre, and one can go on and on for hours – just pounding away. So, I’m going to keep it as short, sweet, and casual as possible. Also, I don’t want to chafe or make myself seem to be overcompensating for some kind of impotence, so I’ll keep this a friendly piece with some benefits on the side. I hope you’ll be satisfied.
And I hope I can get off the pun train soon.”
And then it goes all over the robot sex and the why and the implications.
Teledildonics, which yeah, is totally what it sounds like, is discussed.
Dildo is used a bunch of times. Never “Robot Dildo,” though. Sadly.
It’s pretty awesome.