In 2006, Sony did one of the dumbest things that’s ever happened in the history of robotics. BUT NOW, could it be that redemption is not only possible, but coming soon?
Japan Robot Week 2016 went very well. The 3-day event drew 30,000 humans – nearly double the 2014 attendance. Therefrom, here is a handful of superbly mediocre photos of robots and robot stuff.
In December of 2015, hundreds of the world’s most advanced robots crowded the massive Tokyo Big Sight Convention Center for the biennial iREX International Robot Exhibition. You might be surprised how well an iPhone 6s Plus does with that.
December 2015’s 21st iREX International Robot Exhibition was a gigantic success. Record number of presenters. Record space required. Record attendance. We got photos.
Went looking for one robot, found research on hundreds. Anthrobotic interviews the creator of, the best online robotics & cybernetics archive you’ve never heard of until just now you did. Read it!
They once had little to do with actual robotics, but two product iterations and 15 years later, about to release their 3rd-generation kit [sic], Lego is at the top of educational, DIY, and plain old fun robot building. MINDSTORMS EV3 is coming, and the robo-geekosphere is buzzing…and whirring.
Everybody knows Japan is awesome at robots, but younger generations might be missing the practical, hands-on, mechanical education that enabled their forebears to create awesome robots and automation processes. Enter Robot Summer School!