Sep 132012
iPhone 5 Hyper-Anticipation: It Didn't Mean What You Think it Meant (AGAIN)

Okay, now – bear with me on this – and check it out: The reason people care so much about the next iPhone is because the American Dream is broken. I shit you not. Details inside!

Jul 032012
TERMINAL ANACHRONISM: The Polling Place & Voting Booth (vulnerable)

Here in 2012 we still have to physically go to a location to cast a ballot for almost any election. Why is that acceptable? Do we just want the patronizing “I Voted” sticker? COME ON – WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY! (repost)

Jun 292012
WarBot Update: What to Call the Drones Now that They're here at Home - Suggestions?

Reapers and Predators and the like aren’t robots, they’re super-tech R/C planes with some nice autopilot and guns & missiles, right? Right? Well, since the domestic drone market is heating up now as well, it might be a good idea to figure this out.

Jun 192012
The Numbing Screams of Environmental Apocalypse are Numbing. Let's Optimism!

Apocalyptic proclamations usually involve a fanatic and the book of his or her spooky vengeful father figure in the sky, but sometimes they’re delivered by a group of gangly, socially awkward lab coats packing a peer-reviewed scientific journal!

May 232012
Robot Treasure Discovered Online:  an Interview with the Creator of

Went looking for one robot, found research on hundreds. Anthrobotic interviews the creator of, the best online robotics & cybernetics archive you’ve never heard of until just now you did. Read it!