This handsome British chap is directly responsible for your ability to visit a website; it’s safe to say that his contributions to early computer science saved millions of lives and now effect every living human being. Today, remember Alan Turing.
Jun 242015
June 24, 2015
AI, Alan Turing, Artificial Intelligence, CPU, Technology & Culture, Technology & Politics
Jun 242012
June 24, 2012
AI, Alan Turing, Artificial Intelligence, CPU, NBI, Pure Science, Technology, Technology & Culture
Sep 222011
September 22, 2011
Alan Turing, Audio Posts, CareBots, Multimedia, NBI, Robot, Technology
May 232011
May 23, 2011
AI, Alan Turing, Artificial Intelligence
May 182011
Mar 302011
“Turing was the British WW II code breaker and early pioneer of computer science and artificial intelligence who proposed an operational test of intelligence as a replacement for the philosophical question, “Can machines think?” [VIA KURZWEIL AI]
March 30, 2011
AI, Alan Turing, Artificial Intelligence, Brain, Cybernetics, Human Augmentation, Multimedia, Neurology, Robot, Technology
Feb 152011
The Significance of Watson, by Ray Kurzweil “By the time the controversy dies down and it becomes unambiguous that nonbiological intelligence is equal to biological human intelligence, the AIs will already be thousands of times smarter than us.” [VIA KURZWEIL AI] Mind vs. Machine, by Brian Christian “THE MARCH OF TECHNOLOGY ISN’T JUST CHANGING HOW WE LIVE, IT’S RAISING NEW QUESTIONS ABOUT WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN.” [VIA THE ATLANTIC] Editor’s note – it’s currently Tuesday in Japan!
February 15, 2011
Alan Turing, Artificial Intelligence