Jan 062012
WarBot Update:  WarBots in the News, WarBots Here, There, Everywhere.

The U.S. is going to seriously cut ground forces (Army & Marines, particularly). The monkey pony show of politics calls it budget cuts and such, but they neglect to point out that grunts are being obviated by bots, man.

Dec 062011
Leaping Across Mori’s Uncanny Valley: Androids Probably Won’t Creep Us Out

We WANT to see human traits in other entities. Androids aren’t going to reach that point where they’re just human enough to be creepy, yet not quite human enough to accept – they’re going to leap past it.

Nov 022011
PETMAN: Boston Dynamics Stumbles (HA!) into the Android Pole Position

Most humanoid robots are just a set of legs with big flat feet balancing a dead-center torso doing an awkward slow-mo hula dance. But watch PETMAN. Really watch. It’s like witnessing a birth.

Oct 142011
Touching His Girlfriend and Fighting Paralysis with a Robot Powered by Mind Bullets

Through the Sci-Fi Nomenclature Committee approved processes of a brain interface known as “ECoG,” the science guys have shown that, even after 7 years without any actual movement, the brain is still sending signals for the body to do so. And these signals can move a robot.