Apr 202012
Buckyball Life Extension with a Side of Namesake

Of course I’ve got no idea how that works, but I guess there’s something particularly badass about dissolving the magical C60, otherwise any old carbon sprinkled on my sandwich would make me live forever, right?

Apr 092012
TRANSHUMANISM TEST PILOTS:  Pre-Exoskeleton Mobility is Still Very Awesome

The goddamn wheelchair has gone essentially unimproved upon for more than 100 years. But now, AMS Mekatronik, surprisingly not a Kraftwerk tribute band, has dropped the Tek RMD. Wheelchairs are running scared. I mean rolling scared.

Mar 132012
BBC’s Bionic Bodies Series Continues (UPDATED)

The BBC is assembling a very respectable compendium on the past, current, and possible future states of bionics, or cybernetics, or human augmentation, or just, you know, the modular nature of future human bodies.

Mar 072012
Bionic & Biological:  The Ferocious Conundrum of Being 50/50

We are going to be redefining notions of life and intelligence and awareness and consciousness and pretty much every facet of human existence. Barring global cataclysm, of course.

Feb 292012
Transhumanism Test Pilots: Fly-by-Tongue

The primitive yet practically necessary prosthetics and human augmentation implements of today could easily evolve into the voluntary upgrades of tomorrow. Here’s a very good example of human body as input device.