Aug 082012
There's a New Machine on Mars. Again. It's Different this Time, Right?

About this Mars mission: What’s up here? Why is it so much more exciting this time? Maybe just the global convergence of social media around an aggressively virile meme? What do you think? Ideas? Suggestions? Derision?

Aug 042012
Curiosity about Curiosity, Part 2 – Approach: Only 5 Million Kilometers to Mars (3 Days!)

Curious about Curiosity? GET READY: Links to a free XBox game, mobile apps, NASA TV’s live coverage, and a serving of expository technosnark with a side of cheese!

Jul 202012
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday!

This Week’s Dispatch: Little J-satellites go to the ISS – one to do morsecode, and Russians stop (?) the smuggling of radioactive Japanese cars whilst Japan buys radiation detectors from England. Hmm.

Jul 182012
Curiosity about Curiosity, Part 1 - Primer: Only 35 Million Kilometers to Mars!

Getting a 2000lb. (907KG) nuclear-powered super-sensitive rover the size of a Mini Cooper to Mars, in one piece, and then have it go about its science and report back… well, the effort alone is monumental, and its success will be entirely profound.

Jun 092012
Manifesting Star Trek, Part-2 (THE BAD): Boldly Going to Low Earth Orbit Only

People loved the Space Shuttle because even though it was just a fancy orbiter in space, and a hitchhiking glider in atmosphere, it looked like a ship. We’ve been at the whole space thing for nearly 60 years, and still we have rockets and capsules, but no spaceships.