Feb 212012
DARPA’s James Cameron Mashup: Unsurprising, but Existentially Bananas

Predators and Packbots already function as primitive avatars for pilots and bomb squads, and DARPA’s new Avatar project aims to turn up the resolution. Delineating the consciousness container could get trickier…

Feb 142012
Technological Utopianism is Way Better than Technological Apocalypticism. Robots, Robots.

Human employment is soon going to drastically & quickly change. For sure China’s in trouble, but on the whole is this good or bad? Here a young guy says we’re doomed, and an old guy says it’s all going to be cool. Weird, right?

Feb 032012
Where the Human Ends & the Machine Begins: Getting Unclearer…

What we conceptualize as our discrete Physical Self isn’t nearly as cut and dried as we might think, and the non-corporeal Mental Self seems to have some blurry boundaries as well. We’re Cyborgs, man. Philosophical Cyborgs.

Jan 102012
The Disabled Wage War Against the Wheelchair and Begin Test-Piloting Transhumanism

Disabled pioneers are living examples of how technology is blurring the lines between what is considered practical, necessary augmentation and what, someday soon, might be just a nice alternative to flesh – a voluntary upgrade.

Jan 072012
ROM for Right & Wrong: Teaching Humans Vs. Coding Machines

It might be a good idea to encourage non-biological intelligences (NBIs) to be, as we are, only vaguely moral. A self-aware & morally pure machine might not be so kind to human nature. Just saying.

Jan 062012
WarBot Update:  WarBots in the News, WarBots Here, There, Everywhere.

The U.S. is going to seriously cut ground forces (Army & Marines, particularly). The monkey pony show of politics calls it budget cuts and such, but they neglect to point out that grunts are being obviated by bots, man.