Feb 162015
NASA's Valkyrie Humanoid Busting Fresh Moves Courtesy of IHMC (VIDEO)

Next to Team SCHAFT’s new Google overlords withdrawing them from further competition, the poor showing of NASA’s Valkyrie robot might have seemed the DRC Trials’s biggest disappointment, but it’s nowhere near that simple: NASA JSC and the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC) are keeping the flame alive, and by flame we’re talking like…nuclear blow-torch.

Feb 222013
Know Your Robot Space Torsos: Justin, Robonaut, SAR-400, & AILA

Gangly, multi-jointed arms aren’t going to cut it – we need humanoid robots in space. Robonaut2 is currently the only one up there (props, NASA), but there are others in the works, and they’re getting good – let’s check in.