Nov 252011
Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens: Profound Philosophical Quandary! Ish...

Contact lens with high-res capability could theoretically replace almost every screen we look at on a day-to-day basis. And totally molest our notions of reality, existence, and whether blue is really blue. What is “blue,” anyway?

Oct 232011
The Intellectual vs. The Engineer: Ray Kurzweil Puts Paul Allen's Cake Out in the Rain

Paul Allen knows business & marketing, but when it comes to all things Singularity, he’s an armchair intellectual who hasn’t actually done anything of note in the field. Kurzweil was making computers compose original music in 1965. Oh snap?

Oct 212011
Humanity 2.0 Part Two:  Juan Says We're Designing the Next Species of Humans.

Juan Enriquez says the ability to re-engineer living things and engineer entirely new ones is far and away the biggest thing since a bunch of other big things (even bigger than the industrial revolution). So… Cool, yeah?

Oct 172011
My Logic is Better than Paul Allen's:  ¡Singularity Improbable! - Part 2!

Perhaps unconsciously, Allen is asserting the primacy of human intelligence in our known universe – a cognitive barrier beyond which nothing can pass – because evolution made it… or something. Paul, an AI doesn’t have to be smart LIKE us, just as smart AS us. Namsayen?

Sep 272011
Humanity 2.0 - It's Natural to be Unnatural.

In the context of our perception of linear time, the march toward radically upgrading the human experience is not a “switch-on” process, it’s not sudden, it’s not merely a download away. It’s an ongoing-for-quite-a-while-now, subtle, and steadily accelerating merger.