Feb 092015
Machine Morality: a Survey of Thought and a Hint of Harbinger [FLASHBACKERY]

Talking about machine morality is basically picking apart whether or not we’ll someday have to be nice to self-aware machines or demand that they be nice to us. Impossible? No, stupid. Guaranteed? No, stupid. Good idea to be prepared just in case? Damn right.

Nov 152012
Ray Kurzweil's "How to Create a Mind" available through Anthrobotic.com

The incomparable futurist, inventor, entrepreneur, and popularizer of Singularity Theory and artificial intelligence studies has today published his latest work. This is basically required reading, and it’s available through Anthrobotic!

Sep 262012
On Leaving the Earth. Like, Forever. Bye-Bye.

When one of the U.S. Air Force’s top future strategy guys starts dorking out on how we’ve gotta at least begin considering what to do when a progressively decaying yet apocalyptically belligerent sun begins BBQing the earth, attention is payed.

Aug 252011
Can a computer be as intelligent as a human? Or, Asking the Wrong Dumb Question. Get it?

Can a computer be intelligent like a human? We already accept the existence of other animal intelligences, as long as they’re not as intelligent as us. That is a heartbreaking notion of staggeringly arrogant species-level narcissism.