Feb 032012
Where the Human Ends & the Machine Begins: Getting Unclearer…

What we conceptualize as our discrete Physical Self isn’t nearly as cut and dried as we might think, and the non-corporeal Mental Self seems to have some blurry boundaries as well. We’re Cyborgs, man. Philosophical Cyborgs.

Jan 102012
The Disabled Wage War Against the Wheelchair and Begin Test-Piloting Transhumanism

Disabled pioneers are living examples of how technology is blurring the lines between what is considered practical, necessary augmentation and what, someday soon, might be just a nice alternative to flesh – a voluntary upgrade.

Nov 242011
Moving a Robot/With a Kinect/Over the Internets/Is a Revolution

Yasakawa Japan has retrofitted one of their robots with an off the shelf MS Kinect. And just like that, telepresence takes a huge leap forward.

Oct 282011
Prosthetic with Nokia Smartphone Dock: An Anachronism Trapped in an Anachronism!

Lots of cash is needed for the Luke Arm or the Stark Hand other super-tech prosthetics, so there’s obviously great value in augmenting and/or retrofitting the prosthetics people already have – and this one’s a technological timeline dissonance matryoshka!

Oct 212011
Humanity 2.0 Part Two:  Juan Says We're Designing the Next Species of Humans.

Juan Enriquez says the ability to re-engineer living things and engineer entirely new ones is far and away the biggest thing since a bunch of other big things (even bigger than the industrial revolution). So… Cool, yeah?

Oct 052011
Transhumanist Arts Make Me Want New Parts

That kinda looks like the Death Star in an eyeball. Here’s a very nice gallery of transhumanist art (PART II). It’s cool. Go look at it. One day we’ll become it. Which is going to be awesome – because my knees are like totally shot. [VIA SINGULARITY HUB]

Sep 212011
Darth Cheney, Stephen Hawking, Myself, and the Rest of Our Cyborg Society

Let’s say you are in some serious trouble. You need some heavy altruistic help of a very selfless nature. Who would you want to decide your fate? The “purer” Bronze Age human from 5000 years ago? Or the hyper-augmented cyborg from 2061?