Aug 062013
Why So Quiet, Mr. Technosnark©®™?’s Primary Caregiver is a contributor at – a lovely site that, prior to 10 days ago, was super modern and cutting edge… in 2007. Work is complete, and AkihabaraNews is now super-powered, madd sexy, and goin’ all tech in three languages!

Jul 252013
In Memoriam, Kanako Miura (Japanese Version - 日本語のバージョン) 追悼: 人型ロボット開発の世界的パイオニア・三浦郁奈子さんがボストン市内で交通事故のため死亡


Jul 122013
Need More Japanese Women! (in science, technology, engineering, & mathematics)

Anthrobotic’s Chief Maintenance Engineer did some stand-up sociology on the issue of Japan’s big-ass population problem and how sciencey J-girls can, no – MUST help fix it.

Jul 052013
Kids Making Robots: An NPO Steps Up to Bolster Japan's Rural Robot Resurgence

Everybody knows Japan is awesome at robots, but younger generations might be missing the practical, hands-on, mechanical education that enabled their forebears to create awesome robots and automation processes. Enter Robot Summer School!

Jun 292013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday [via Akihabara News]

This week it’s Sony selling stuff to Iran, stuff that America doesn’t like, which is yet another “Sony, what are you doing?” moment, a huge internet cable has been completed in Asia, and Japan’s gung-ho nuclear (energy) tech proliferation is causing political unrest.

Jun 222013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday [via Akihabara News]

THIS WEEK’S DISPATCH: JAXA & the ESA taking NASA stuff into space, Japan likes Apple’s patents better than Samsung’s, Toyota and Tesla made an electric baby RAV4, and the guy who invented DRAM got a Japanese medal and $500 Gs!

Jun 082013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday [via Akihabara News]

THIS WEEK’S DISPATCH: Japan continues international outreach with nuclear-friendly French (outreach began with Turkey and the UAE), and sad news for hippies: a UN science committee has found no increased risk of cancer due to the Fukushima accident.