Feb 132015

This week we just kinda make fun of the Hollywood Reporter for not mentioning Transformers when they totally should and Epson is getting into the fashion printing business because they finally realized that nobody prints on paper anymore.

Feb 072015

This week Hitachi is finally ready to send its snake/crawler hybrid robot into the heart of Fukushima Daiichi’s severely melted-down reactor #1, and a Japanese booze maker that owns an American booze maker wants to get cozier and it’s kind of funny.

Jan 302015
JAPANESE TECHNOLOGY FROM THE FUTURE FRIDAY: Don't Call it a Comeback, We Been Here for Years!

This week it appears that Kyocera is (allegedly) thriving in the UK printer market (paper, not 3D), and Toyota has decided that racin’ and jumpin’ and stuff is good for business after all. COME ONE AND ALL AND READ THE GODDAMN JTFF!

Jan 172015
Robots are the New Mexicans and ActiveRobo SAM is Japan's Newest Mexican

Section A is furious anger at robotics coverage and the corpsifying institution of journalism in general. Section B is some very interesting robotics news from Japan (telepresence robotic heavy equipment operation!). Section C is the bow on the whole thing, so choose your own adventure(s)!

Jul 122014
Mirrored TOKYO Will Melt Your Brain (VIDEO)

Twist and turn. Reflect. Go upside down and merge it all together in a videographic collage…the result is the latest hit from YouTuber darwinfish105. Once again, he’s delivered a basically unnotwatchable love letter to the metropolis.

Jul 122014
Solar Diversification: Japanese Farmers' Invisible New Cash Crop

Farming might be dying, but the farms still physically exist, and one in particular, located in Chiba Prefecture, the eastern edge of the Tokyo Metro area, has put part of their plot to double-use by installing a solar array above their veggie operation.