Jan 302015
JAPANESE TECHNOLOGY FROM THE FUTURE FRIDAY: Don't Call it a Comeback, We Been Here for Years!

This week it appears that Kyocera is (allegedly) thriving in the UK printer market (paper, not 3D), and Toyota has decided that racin’ and jumpin’ and stuff is good for business after all. COME ONE AND ALL AND READ THE GODDAMN JTFF!

Jan 172015
Robots are the New Mexicans and ActiveRobo SAM is Japan's Newest Mexican

Section A is furious anger at robotics coverage and the corpsifying institution of journalism in general. Section B is some very interesting robotics news from Japan (telepresence robotic heavy equipment operation!). Section C is the bow on the whole thing, so choose your own adventure(s)!

Dec 012014
Lego Mindstorms EV3 Robotics Kit: World's Best Robotics Education Tool? [REISSUE]

They once had little to do with actual robotics, but two product iterations and 15 years later, about to release their 3rd-generation kit [sic], Lego is at the top of educational, DIY, and plain old fun robot building. MINDSTORMS EV3 is coming, and the robo-geekosphere is buzzing…and whirring.

Sep 092014
iPhone 6 Hyper-Anticipation: It Doesn't Mean What You Think it Means

We want look to the future with hope, we long for new ideas and new developments, but that dream is stuck in neutral. We have no meaningful common rallying point. Collectively, the global zeitgeist’s most anticipated technological event is Tim Cook, 10:00am, PST. And holy shit is that sad.