Jun 032011
ANTHROBOTIC BOOK RECOMMENDATION: Robopocalypse, the Cheerful Posts Continue...

That last phrase isn’t part of the title.  Here’s the recommendation:  Robopocalypse, by Daniel H. Wilson.  While said title is in fact ferociously uninspired, early reviews indicate that it’s well-written and well-grounded in our contemporary understanding of robotics and A.I. [VIA iO9]

 June 3, 2011  Posted by at 1:29 PM AI, Artificial Intelligence, Military Robotics, Robot, Robots in Space
Apr 032011
The Robot Page at IEEE Spectrum - Anthrobotic Recommends (HIGHLY)

Today I’d like to share IEEE Spectrum’s impressively comprehensive robotics page.  There’s really something for everyone here – those of us following the social impact of robotics will be more than pleased, as will those interested in learning more about the field and where it’s going/all the implications. Anthrobotic’s Favorites: Home Robots ::  Humanoid Robots ::  Medical Robots ::  Military Robots [IEEE SPECTRUM]

Mar 202011
Helping Robot - Hurting Robot

“A robot named Monirobo has been dispatched to the Fukushima Nuclear Power Station this week to monitor areas of the site that have become so saturated with radiation humans dare not venture there.” [VIA GIZMODO] “…The X-47B UCAS (for unmanned combat air system), a prototype…demonstrating in 2013 that an unmanned, tailless, strike fighter-size aircraft can land on and take off from an aircraft carrier.” [VIA CNET NEWS]

Feb 282011
Robonaut 2 Now in Space - This Guy Says Hype - One Disagrees...

Strongly. Mr. Saenz makes a decent point that Robonaut is far from the first complex robot we’ve sent to space.  However, referring to this accomplishment as merely “hype,” that it’s only special because of it’s shape kind of…  well, misses the point.  Because it, you know, is the point… [VIA SINGULARITY HUB]