Jun 092011
R.U. Sirius ACCELER8ES - Human Technology and Cyber/CounterCulture gets a New Medium

“There’s a certain alertness to the science fictional nature of current reality.” -R.U. Sirius Technological and Cyber/CounterCultural icon R.U. Sirius has a new online venture:  ACCELER8OR.  Sirius is kind of a lost breed of futurist/humanist/guy-who-makes-you-question-the-real – a person who can wax technological and also weave in various means of and perspectives on organic cognitive expansion…  or something (the vagueness, or openness to interpretation is kind of a plasticity of ideas vs. the brick wall of beliefs sorta perspective). As is evident, describing the person requires a lot of slashes and hyphens, so ANTHROBOTIC recommends you set an ACCELER8OR bookmark and/or [read full post]

Jun 072011
Artificial Brain:  Achieved.  More than 12 Seconds of Memory:  Not Yet

“The artificial microbrain consists of about 40 to 60 rat neurons and is capable of sustaining 12 neuronal seconds of network activity.” While living in a petri dish and dumber than…  well, not a rock, but dumb – it is still a new form of artificial intelligence.  At least, as we understand intelligence, i.e., emanates from the brain as an organ and not from a spooky vengeful deity. Pictured Above:  Artificial Brain [VIA DISCOVERY NEWS]

Jun 062011
As do Humans, Let AIs Learn from the Bottom-Up - Allow them to be Socialized?

“The keyword here, obviously, is learning. The problem with the conventional approach to robotics is that it requires explicit programming for robots to carry out specific tasks, leading to a lack of autonomous, general-purpose artificial intelligence, or AI.“ Part of a multitude of new approaches aiming to create General AI, or Strong AI.  Rather than design complex algorithms that inform behavior from the top of a tree of intelligence, why not give machines the ability to learn on their own, and create their own “neural” model based on their…  socialization. [VIA LIVE SCIENCE]

 June 6, 2011  Posted by at 8:58 AM AI, Artificial Intelligence, Brain, Neurology, Technology
May 302011
Medical Technology Gets Awesomer!

The Convergence of Medicine & Technology…  Dude, Medicine IS Technology!  Just Saying…I understand the point of the author’s title – but, you know, a scalpel, a bandage, and an aspirin are kinds of technology. I’m totally renaming this piece: “Medical Technology Gets Awesomer!“ [VIA KURZWEIL AI]