Virtual Me: “I’m Here. And Here. And Here.” Is Epic Multitasking Coming Soon, or more Lawnmower Man?
Apr 142011
“Researchers insist that conferences using 3D avatars are imminent because consumer technology has caught up with work going on in academic VR laboratories.”
Evangelical Technological Utopian Salvation Surprise? A New Religion? The Rapture of the Geeks?
Virtual I/Me/We Continued: Three Robots. Three People.
Alan Turing Film – Coming Soon
Future Coming Soon – Maybe Sooner than Michio Kaku Believes…
Transcendent Man Interview: Ray Kurzweil and Barry Ptolemy, by Charlie Rose
April 14, 2011
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Cybernetics, Future Already Very Pending, Human Augmentation, Multimedia, Prosthetics, Technology, We're Already Cyborgs Already