Apr 222011
Pointing directly to a vast, and pending, artificial intelligence.
Here is a brief discussion of and note on an upcoming book addressing the development theory of humanity’s “super-brain” (collective mind), an event that took place in Africa no later than 75,000 years ago.”
Image Scavenged from Design Mind via a related article: When Ideas Have Sex
THE BEGINNING IS NEAR: HUMAN+ Self-Augmentation Realities and Concepts
With Voice Synthesizing Technology, Roger Ebert Speaks Again
Mapping Brain Control – BRAIN CONTROL!!
Evangelical Technological Utopian Salvation Surprise? A New Religion? The Rapture of the Geeks?
Brain Imaging Provides Window into Consciousness
April 22, 2011
AI, Artificial Intelligence, Future Already Very Pending, Human Augmentation, Neurology, Technology, The Beginning is Near