Feb 222013
Know Your Robot Space Torsos: Justin, Robonaut, SAR-400, & AILA

Gangly, multi-jointed arms aren’t going to cut it – we need humanoid robots in space. Robonaut2 is currently the only one up there (props, NASA), but there are others in the works, and they’re getting good – let’s check in.

Aug 282012
Robonaut 2: Alive and Suddenly Super Busy

NASA is finally letting Robonaut 2 do some stuff and sharing it with the public – there’s actually a steady feed of news, only mildly cheesy 1st-person commentary, and some decent R2 photos & video beaming down from the ISS.

May 232012
Robot Treasure Discovered Online:  an Interview with the Creator of Cyberneticzoo.com

Went looking for one robot, found research on hundreds. Anthrobotic interviews the creator of Cyberneticzoo.com, the best online robotics & cybernetics archive you’ve never heard of until just now you did. Read it!

Dec 062011
Leaping Across Mori’s Uncanny Valley: Androids Probably Won’t Creep Us Out

We WANT to see human traits in other entities. Androids aren’t going to reach that point where they’re just human enough to be creepy, yet not quite human enough to accept – they’re going to leap past it.

Nov 252011
Augmented Reality in a Contact Lens: Profound Philosophical Quandary! Ish...

Contact lens with high-res capability could theoretically replace almost every screen we look at on a day-to-day basis. And totally molest our notions of reality, existence, and whether blue is really blue. What is “blue,” anyway?