Sep 262012
On Leaving the Earth. Like, Forever. Bye-Bye.

When one of the U.S. Air Force’s top future strategy guys starts dorking out on how we’ve gotta at least begin considering what to do when a progressively decaying yet apocalyptically belligerent sun begins BBQing the earth, attention is payed.

Jun 092012
Manifesting Star Trek, Part-2 (THE BAD): Boldly Going to Low Earth Orbit Only

People loved the Space Shuttle because even though it was just a fancy orbiter in space, and a hitchhiking glider in atmosphere, it looked like a ship. We’ve been at the whole space thing for nearly 60 years, and still we have rockets and capsules, but no spaceships.

Apr 232012
REMINDER: Probable Off-Planet Mining Announcement, & Japan has its Hand Raised.

Asteroid mining could be pretty cool. It’s actually feasible with today’s technology. Ask Japan about this. Seriously, you need to ask Japan about this. COME ON – ASK JAPAN!