Feb 142012
Technological Utopianism is Way Better than Technological Apocalypticism. Robots, Robots.

Human employment is soon going to drastically & quickly change. For sure China’s in trouble, but on the whole is this good or bad? Here a young guy says we’re doomed, and an old guy says it’s all going to be cool. Weird, right?

Jan 262012
Technology Will Eradicate Barbarians & Drum Circles and Fix Everything

Technological utopianism might be just as foolish as vegan white people with dreadlocks or those with a super-spooky, vengeful, punishing father figure in the sky. But I kinda really seriously doubt it. (BOOK RECOMMENDATION)

Jan 072012
ROM for Right & Wrong: Teaching Humans Vs. Coding Machines

It might be a good idea to encourage non-biological intelligences (NBIs) to be, as we are, only vaguely moral. A self-aware & morally pure machine might not be so kind to human nature. Just saying.

Dec 062011
Leaping Across Mori’s Uncanny Valley: Androids Probably Won’t Creep Us Out

We WANT to see human traits in other entities. Androids aren’t going to reach that point where they’re just human enough to be creepy, yet not quite human enough to accept – they’re going to leap past it.