Aug 162011
In Defense of Being an Always-On Human

3.5 Days in a in a Lack-of-Data Haze. Last week I had to go do some Japanese-style camping. Skipping the horrific details, suffice it to say, I was outside the stream – I lacked data. Had insufficient information. No place in the global network. Did not like it. Since snatching up an LG-V in 2005, and the soon to follow procession of Blackberries and iPhones, I really haven’t been disconnected. At all. And I like it that way. This really was my first removal since the gradually maturing era of ubiquitous mobile data began gradually maturing. It was a bit surprising [read full post]

Aug 012011
Proactive Evolution and Transhumanism According to the Economist

“…Lately we have begun to consider the possibility that technology might change us more in a generation or two than evolution has done over millions of years.” The always excellent Economist takes on the issue of transhumanism and the Singularity in a thoughtful and well-rounded piece. I’m hard-pressed to find anything to make fun of here, even coming up with some snarky or cheeky comment is proving kinda difficult. So, just have a read! [VIA THE ECONOMIST]

Jul 222011
3D Printing, the Invigoration of Industrial Robotics, and China Gets a Bit Nervous

Do Robots Take People’s Jobs? Q:  Let me ask you something: Do computers take jobs? A:  That’s a good question. Manufacturing, 3D Printing and What China Knows about the Emerging American Century Q:  What a if robotic 3D printer in my garage/neighborhood/city/state can cheaply produce all the plastic parts/units/cloth/everything normally imported from China? A:  That’s a good question. [VIA SINGULARITY HUB AND VIA FORBES]

Jul 202011
You are Blind.  Here’s a Driver’s License and a Car.  Respect Dennis Hong.

Anthrobotic has previously covered Dennis Hong’s RoMeLa robotics initiative (calling him the Renaissance Roboticist), and now he’s writing for CNN and doing a TED talk, specifically addressing somewhat autonomous driving and feedback systems for blind drivers. Why spend all that effort on a tiny fraction of human population?  Well, the blind are obviously the perfect set of humans to test driverless cars for those of us who can see, but, you know, don’t want to pay attention to the road, want to increase traffic safety, and would also enjoy decreased congestion and stuff. As I’ve said before, this guy is [read full post]

Jul 152011
Ray Kurzweil Will Melt Your Reality (VIDEO)

Here Kurzweil addresses a laundry list of psychological and sociological questions about the future of human technology and how that currently defines and will come to define our species.  Agree or not, it will definitely light a fire in your brains. is definitely +1’ing this one. While it’s possible that Kurzweil is severely overoptimistic and overreaching in his proclamations, in evaluating his position two things are certain:  one should not listen too carefully to the non-scientists or those who criticize from outside the field (like, for example, robot hater and closeted homosexual Senator Tom Coburn – that sub-reference never [read full post]

Jun 302011
Save the American Economy with Robotics & A.I. (and a Revolution in Energy Tech)

For quite a while now it’s seemed that these three frontiers were among the last areas of economic development with the potential to revitalize and sustain the U.S. economy (along with that of our good friend, Japan – where operates).  At least one of these three, robotics, is getting a small push by the newly announced Advanced Manufacturing Partnership. (VIDEO BELOW) Maybe, maybe our government can begin focussing not just funding but also attention and PR and accolades on the technological capabilities and potential of the United States.  There should be a massive national technology initiative, and maybe this [read full post]