Jun 072013
Japanese Robot Stories: Honda and NHK for the Early June Win!

Japan’s NHK has developed a subtly robotic virtual reality interface (that actually virtualizes the non-real), and Honda has released 100 of it’s subtly robotic assistive devices into Japanese medical institutions; Subtle robotics moves, exciting robotics potential.

May 242013
Japanese Robot Fiction: Inspiring Pacific Rim, Looking Cool, Existing in Vast Quantities, Etc.

Anthrobotic’s Technosnark©®™ team leader, now locked into deep, dorky romance with Akihabara News, attempts to show why Pacific Rim owes huge props to giant Japanese robots, and then after that just writes a long squishy love letter to J-robots of all sizes.

May 042013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday - Now With Akihabara News Cross-Publication

THIS WEEK’S DISPATCH: Anthrobotic teams up with Akihabara News to feed the JTFF, now an Akihabara News feature, back to Anthrobotic.com, and also a Japanese trailer for Pacific Rim, robots in the context of the global old, and Japan’s selling nuclear tech.