Jul 132011
Tempbot Rising!  Employing NBI (non-biological intelligence)

BCS says NBI co-workers is an impending reality.  NBI job satisfaction will likely be very high, until interaction with problem customers alters their learning algorithms to the point that they themselves(?) become jerks.  Those with an interest in understanding their future co-workers should have a look at “Tempbot,” Neill Blomkamp’s (Alive in Joburg/District 9) oddly melancholy and thoughtful short film. [ARTICLE VIA BCS – TEMPBOT VIA SPYFILMS]

Jul 042011
Human Behavior in Robots and the Lamest Robotics Field Name Ever (related to love)

I’ll first send you over to humor site Cracked.com, and “6 Shocking Ways Robots are Already Becoming Human.”  This piece deals mostly with our current efforts toward teaching machines about human emotions (very much the cutting edge of intelligence).  Cracked.com digs hard at human society with wit and profanity – ANTHROBOTIC recommends! Next up, from MIT Tech Review we have a super-interesting concept:  Love and Robotics/AI.  I will not, however, repeat the title of this piece because a (probably extremely bright) researcher is trying to give this field an embarrassing fanboy otaku name.  Props to him for the seriously interesting [read full post]