May 182013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday [via Akihabara News]

THIS WEEK’S DISPATCH: Japan wants American gas, Japan’s lack of startups, and J-tech to make horses happy!

May 112013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday (Akihabara News Syndication)

THIS WEEK’S DISPATCH: Struggling yet Endlessly Gung-Ho Japanese Tech Giants – Part I: Sharp; Part II: Panasonic. These guys are losing $US billions, but they’ve got plans and are all kindsa upbeat!! Just like Sony’s been for like 10 years now…

May 042013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday - Now With Akihabara News Cross-Publication

THIS WEEK’S DISPATCH: Anthrobotic teams up with Akihabara News to feed the JTFF, now an Akihabara News feature, back to, and also a Japanese trailer for Pacific Rim, robots in the context of the global old, and Japan’s selling nuclear tech.

Feb 152013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday!

Today’s Dispatch: The Japanese “Smart Cities” initiative ramps up, a robot that shoots dry ice to clean up radiation, and a Japanese powder that cleans water in Tanzania (that last bit doubles as an opportunity to deride hippies, too – value added!).

Jan 262013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday!

Today’s Dispatch: The goofiest anti-facial recognition tech out there that’s “required,” if you’re in a spy agency or superbly paranoid, and an update on the trials and tribulations of the 787 Dreamliner’s Japanese-made batteries. That’s it, yo – slow J-news day.

Jan 182013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday!

Today’s Dispatch: Heavy metals from Japan might be monkeywreching the Dreamliner, some heavy metals were found in Jamaica by some Japanese guys, heavy metals irking Japan’s anti-nuclear hippies, and once again, Sony gets hit with some technosnark.

Jan 112013
Japanese Technology from the Future Friday (THE RETURN!)

Today’s Dispatch: JTTF Returns! We got Japanese dudes (allegedly) keeping hold of their dumbphones for nefariousness, and more economic stimulus for Japan which will totally work long as they don’t spend it in a Japanese way (the Sony metaphor returns).