Sep 202012
Geodesic Japanorama & iPhone-Based 3D Modeling Should Totally Blow Our Minds

Sometimes the iPhone deserves the love it gets, and Microsoft Photosynth and Autodesk’s 123D Catch Apps are reasons why. Oh, and this phone-based 3D modeling thingy probably heralds China’s impending economic collapse and stuff.

Jul 312012
TRANSHUMANISM TEST PILOTS: 576 Pixels is 576 Times Better than Blind (GALLERY)

A new device gives the blind 576 pixels of vision, and that’s awesome. But this and other developments herald the infancy of something much more profound: Having your healthy, functional eyes removed and replaced with something far better. HOT DAMN!

Jul 252012
WarBot Update: Attack of the Drones, Al-Jazeera's Ongoing WarBot Coverage

Considerably deeper than Gee Whiz Techno-Fetishism or Alarmist Technological Conservatism, Al-Jazeera correspondants and producers are probably providing the most unbiased and uneditorialized WarBot coverage out there.

Jul 182012
Curiosity about Curiosity, Part 1 - Primer: Only 35 Million Kilometers to Mars!

Getting a 2000lb. (907KG) nuclear-powered super-sensitive rover the size of a Mini Cooper to Mars, in one piece, and then have it go about its science and report back… well, the effort alone is monumental, and its success will be entirely profound.

Jun 292012
WarBot Update: What to Call the Drones Now that They're here at Home - Suggestions?

Reapers and Predators and the like aren’t robots, they’re super-tech R/C planes with some nice autopilot and guns & missiles, right? Right? Well, since the domestic drone market is heating up now as well, it might be a good idea to figure this out.

Jun 192012
The Numbing Screams of Environmental Apocalypse are Numbing. Let's Optimism!

Apocalyptic proclamations usually involve a fanatic and the book of his or her spooky vengeful father figure in the sky, but sometimes they’re delivered by a group of gangly, socially awkward lab coats packing a peer-reviewed scientific journal!