Jan 062012
WarBot Update:  WarBots in the News, WarBots Here, There, Everywhere.

The U.S. is going to seriously cut ground forces (Army & Marines, particularly). The monkey pony show of politics calls it budget cuts and such, but they neglect to point out that grunts are being obviated by bots, man.

Nov 152011
Google: Bettering Humanity for Fun and Profit?

Google’s broad-spectrum tech development efforts & investment probably excede that of any other private entity. That’s great, but what’s up here? Is cutting-edge technological innovation shifting away from governmental entities? Is that good or evil?

Nov 022011
PETMAN: Boston Dynamics Stumbles (HA!) into the Android Pole Position

Most humanoid robots are just a set of legs with big flat feet balancing a dead-center torso doing an awkward slow-mo hula dance. But watch PETMAN. Really watch. It’s like witnessing a birth.