Nov 012011

As it turns out, this rather serious Italian robot isn’t shaped like a supercar or a Vespa. It’s a shiny silver quadruped that can kick you in the shin if you make any pasta or romance jokes.

Walk Like I Got Four Legs
The HyQ is shaped a lot like Boston Dynamics’ LS3/Big Dog quadruped projects. There are certainly some differences (hydraulics, stated potential mission, strength, responsiveness, power source, etc.), but at the end of the day an earth-based quadruped can only look/behave in limited number of ways.

Interesting video (yet not yet creepy, like some other robots I could mention) after the jump.


UPDATE: Video of Boston Dynamics Big Dog 2.0 (Alpha Dog, LS3, Whatev)
Everyone’s Favorite WarBot Finally Hitting 2.0 (High-Tech Two-Person Horse Costume?)
Space Racing: – National Governments Benched and/or Losing Their Scholarships
The Robot Page at IEEE Spectrum – Anthrobotic Recommends (HIGHLY)
Boston Dynamics Building Cheeta-Bot & T-800 (for DARPA)