Terminal Anachronism #2
The Terminal Anachronism series focuses on devices, institutions, and the complex artifacts of society that still exist but are very much on a kind of technological death row (see also: magazines & newspapers, the stand-alone MP3 player, phone booths, etc.).
Well, the New York Times is calling it out. As with the music industry and various other institutional relics, or as the internet has done to newspapers & magazines and small-time meatspace columnists, the gate-keeping model of long-format publishing is about to be sidestepped, leapfrogged, or just kind of outmoded by emerging technologies.
TODAY’S CANDIDATE: The Large and Small Publishing Houses of the World
VERDICT: Existence Threatened Without Profound Adaptation
In a growing trend somewhat spurred on and definitely brought to the fore by Amazon’s new partnership with author Tim Ferriss, the publishing industry is facing an interesting shake up. It’s probably best summed up here:
“The only really necessary people in the publishing process now are the writer and reader. Everyone who stands between those two has both risk and opportunity.”
-Russell Grandinetti, Amazon Executive
For all Terminal Anachronism posts, click here.
“The Four-Hour Work Week” & “The Four Hour Body”
by Tim Ferriss at Anthrobotic’s Amazon!